Susan Goss
LAST UPDATED • July 27th, 2021
LAST UPDATED • July 27th, 2021
Susan Goss wears many hats. She is an author, speaker, LMFT, LPC, podcaster, business builder, wife, mother, grandmother, friend to many, and board member at Excellerate Foundation. She has served on the Excellerate Foundation board for many years and played a key role in the creation of Hark and currently serves on our Hark and Education committees. An advocate for all, Susan strives to serve and love people well in the Northwest Arkansas community.
Susan is the founder and director of Tangible Truth Ministries, is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and a Co-founder of The Joshua Center, a faith-based therapy center based out of Northwest AR. Susan currently sees clients at Fresh Roots Family Counseling in Rogers, AR where the Tangible Truth Office resides.
In addition, Susan is a contributing writer at Celebrate Magazine NWA, guest commentator on KLRC Radio and produces a weekly video blog called “Susan Shares” and a new podcast called Tangible Truth Podcast which can be found anywhere that podcasts are played.